By organizing the "Unveiling Perspectives" webinar, we aim to empower African designers, foster a sense of community, and catalyze positive changes in the supply chain, sourcing, and manufacturing aspects of the design industry. This event has the potential to lay the foundation for a more vibrant and globally competitive African design landscape.
To create a platform for designers to share their experiences, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of common pain points.
To understand their design approach, fabric choices and selection processes.
To facilitate open discussions to identify the challenges African designers face in supply chain management, sourcing materials, and manufacturing processes.
To gain insights on other problems that have been overlooked in the supply chain or overall manufacturing process
To analyze the requirements for effective supply chain management, sustainable sourcing, and efficient manufacturing to tailor solutions to their needs.
To create a collaborative space for designers to build valuable relationships that can contribute to the growth of their businesses.
To understand the different segments of customers and explore ways to approach each need individually.